Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Fresh from the Southeast Gathering,  Caleb and SJ (a/k/a Famous & Honey) will be performing live  at 8 PM, Saturday, May 3, at Hendershot's in Athens.  It promises to be a great show! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy, Happy Easter from ABG!

It's a wrap!

The Athens Baba Family has been very busy this spring.  Diana and Bill LePage spent a few weeks in Athens before heading to the Southeast Gathering. Bill gave several talks while in Athens and also headlined the Gathering. Charlie once again worked his magic to provide for a beautiful stage featuring artwork by Thom Fortson. Brian organized the musical acts and also shared his music with us every morning at Arti and during the musical showcase. Caleb and SJ (a/k/a Famous and Honey) left us wanting more after their fine performances.  It was a good Gathering filled with family, friends and Baba's love and grace.  For those who did not have a chance to spend time with Bill and Diana, they will be at the Center in Myrtle Beach all summer.

Ringing the bell

Famous & Honey

Bill and Naosherwan


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Due Inheritance

For L.

Due inheritance

Soon after birth, left beside a bridge.  
They had not the heart like so many others

to throw her into the river.  It's easy now -
and then - to trace the royalty of her blood,

the inherent beauty, the glow of her holiness.
In fact, it's evident in all their faces -

everyone born into this realm is abandoned at birth.
Who, then, dares implant such a longing -

that each child should expect sheltering
and nourishment, indulgence and praise?

O fellow children of God, heirs to the kingdom,
when shall we accept the mantle of our nobility?

When shall we demand 
with trembling voice and shaking fist

our due inheritance - and nothing less?
The heart will hold its tongue

for millenniums, submissive to the senses,
to circumstances, ignorance and death,

but, it knows, it knows, it knows ...
and once it begins to unfold, to strengthen and rise,

our demeanor and likeness to the King become
ever more transparent, self-evident and undeniable.

O children of God, assume the kingdom's throne
by becoming who you already are

 -- by Brian Darnell (December 2013)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Charlie Gard'ner performing "Babajan" in India, February 15, 2014

Charlie Gard'ner traveled to India in February for Baba's birthday.  While there, he performed his song "Babajan" at the Avataric Legacy Program. The portrait of Babajan in center stage was painted by Charlie.